Basket Bouquet of Flowers
Unique flowers presenting for you Basket Bouquet of Flowers
- Basket Arrangement
- Red & White Color Mix Flowers Basket
- 5 White Orchids, & 20 Red Roses
- Green Fillers / Leaf (Seasonal)
- Separate the damaged petals from the flower.
- Keep the floral foam with water.
- Do not keep flowers in extreme heat or sunlight.
- Enjoy the fresh flowers!
- Products images shown with the products are just for the reference. Actual product may vary in shape or design as per the availability.
- Flowers may be delivered in bud stage, semi-bloomed or fully bloomed.
- The chosen time is an estimate. It depends on the availability of the product and the place of delivery.
- Flowers are perishable in nature; therefore, we could not deliver your order at any other address and an attempt will be made to deliver it once.
- Replacement of flowers is necessary if it is temporary and / or not available regionally.
- The basket can be used for keeping small items or for kitchen work.
- Oasis foam has been used in this arrangement to store water so that the flowers remain fresh for a long time.
- Green Fillers with flowers may vary as per local and seasonal availability.
Aditi –
Many time we face issue in booking flowers like defects and lack of quality. After buying this special flowers basket for my beloved, I am very much satisfied with the products and services of unique flowers. I really appreciate the excellent services of your site. Even, the customer support are also outstanding. My shopping experience with you is really fantastic. I will definitely shopping from this site again. Thank you for your best service.